Horoscope interpretation

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Er gingen je al velen voor. Lees voor een completer beeld een recensie van een klant.
“Als je jezelf door en door wilt leren kennen is een geboortehoroscoop duiding het ultieme cadeau voor jezelf. Want wauw, wat geeft dat veel aha momenten en inzichten. Ik leerde mezelf zo ontzettend goed kennen hierdoor. Mijn talenten, m’n valkuilen, waarom ik reageer zoals ik reageer, m’n dromen, pad en verlangens… Linda maakt er een overzichtelijk avontuur van waardoor je zoveel gemakkelijker door je leven manoevreert met heel veel begrip en liefde voor jezelf. Ik ben zoveel zachter naar mezelf gaan kijken, dat gun ik iedereen! “
– Kelly
Insight through your birth horoscope:
Live your life as fulfilled as possible
I use astrology as a tool to increase your awareness and to take the next steps in personal development. I mainly work with evolutionary and psychological astrology. These astrology forms approach life as a learning path and offer awareness of your qualities and what lies within you to develop further. You can see it as deciphering your personal code to navigate your life as fulfillingly as possible. We will have a human to human conversation during the horoscope reading. To see where you want to go, it is insightful to also discuss where you come from and where you are now in your life. This also includes your pitfalls and fixed patterns. What is stopping you from living your life fulfillingly? What else requires more awareness of you, or which next step fits where you are now?
Again and again I feel how astrology is a mild way of looking at yourself, but which certainly doesn’t beat around the bush! Looking at yourself honestly and purely, but also understanding yourself better and developing compassion and self-love. The insights during the lecture make you feel that you are walking a life path, that you are learning by doing and can now get back on the road with more awareness. Offering that next bit of awareness, with the feeling that you’re seeing your next step again, that’s what I’m aiming for in a horoscope reading.
Do you feel that you have deviated from your own path, are you no longer sure what makes you happy, or are you just curious by nature and would you like to learn more about yourself? Feel welcome to look at your birth chart together!
Read below how this works in practice.
Practical explanation
Based on your birth data, I get a drawing of the planet positions at the time of your birth. This birth energy tells me which learning path you are going in this life. Before we meet, I will work out your horoscope. We plan a moment to meet online (via Zoom).